Wednesday, February 18, 2009

where are the men?

the first time i heard the pastor jr vasser preach he asked this question. tony evans believes it is a crisis in our world today. that the men are simply not stepping up and taking the role God has given them. instead they are running and hiding. (i know not all of them are doing this but a lot of them are)

tony (the minister to high school students at the church that i work at) spoke about this tonight to our youth. well actually he spoke about david and how he did step up to fight goliath and how men need to follow his example. and he said to the girls that david is a biblical example of the qualities they should look for in future husbands.

as tony talked i sat in the back and looked out over our kids. i laughed as i noticed that the girls were quiet, still, listening intently.

the boys were laughing, playing and pretty much forgetting that they were in church. ugh


  1. Oh boys... I keep thinking they're going to grow out of it... but I just haven't seen it. I hear ya.

  2. Hey girlie! Hope you had a good weekend!

    I left a little award for you on our blog...check it out! Just for fun!

    Psalms 91, Take care!

  3. By the grace of God, some boys do grow out of it. I know that is so frustrating to seems as we get older, the crazy irony of life happens: we finally realize that adults are more right than we ever knew, right about the time our relevance to younger people is declining. I'm grateful you are in a position to influence to the glory of God.

    Love you Chels!

    Sarah (& Grace)
