Sunday, November 22, 2009

i'm engaged!!!

so in previous post i have only referred to a "favorite" without ever really coming out with it. but for those who don't know, i have a boyfriend...

wait, i mean, i had a boyfriend. because yesterday he took me here...

the botanic gardens in ft. worth
he took a picture of my hand holding a leaf (turned out to be the last picture of my non-engaged left hand)

then he sat me down on this bench

and then this wonderful man...

said some wonderful things to me (which will be cherished in my heart forever) and asked me to marry him!! through the tears i said, "yes, yes....yes, yes, yes!!"

so now he is my fiance!!
i was pretty excited!!
i mean, look at this beautiful ring!!
after the gardens we went to dinner at taverna, an italian restaurant he took me on our first date.
after dinner he had planned a party with our family and friends. his parents and my parents as well as his sister, her boyfriend and some seminary/non-seminary friends were all in attendance. it was the perfect end to the perfect day.

so basically i have been on cloud nine for the past 30 hours with no intention of coming down.
dominick really is my favorite.

he began as my friend, a dear friend who i shared many conversations with and stood out among the crowd to me as a wonderful man. then one day we were rock climbing (something we had done several times before) when he looked at me and asked me on a date (something he had not done before). i said yes, of course and thus began our dating relationship. since then my love and admiration for my friend has only grown. i love his thoughts, his company and count myself blessed that he would ask me to share life with him.
to say it simply, i love him and thank the Lord for him daily.
please pray for us as we prepare for the adventure our Father has in store for us as we seek to be obedient to Him in all things.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

being a grown up....

last saturday morning i woke up slowly, taking my time in greeting the day. i then turned to my roommate and said, "i think i will have cake and ice cream for breakfast." she replied with, "i will have cookies and ice cream." we then (still slowly) made our way to the kitchen to make our breakfast. then we plopped down on the couch and turned on a movie. as i took the first bite of my ice cream and cake breakfast i thought to myself, "i'm having cake and ice cream for breakfast. i didn't have to ask permission or sneak this....this is what it is to be a grown up."